Recruiting executives

At Gibbons Mannington & Phipps we can advise businesses on many aspects of business life. The following checklist indicates qualities to look for when recruiting executives...

Whether you recruit executives from outside your organisation or appoint them from within, it is important to know that the people you choose have what it takes to excel at the decision-making level.

The checklist below will help you identify some potentially useful traits in candidates:

Can think strategically  
Can develop and maintain an organisation-wide perspective  
Can set realistic goals and timelines…  
…But has the flexibility to change them  
Can inspire vision in others and motivate them towards long-term goals  
Can focus on particulars when necessary and then pull back  
Gets on well with people  
Uses humour to good effect in dealing with people  
Can diffuse stress and anxiety in others  
Stays focused on core projects  
Is not thrown off course by others' emotional reactions  
Prefers persuasion to displays of power  
Is resilient and patient in working with others  
Manages time well  
Delegates effectively  
Knows how to make himself/herself unavailable when necessary  

If you identify people within your organisation who display even some of these traits, you might consider discreetly grooming them for bigger things further down the line.

Often, recruiting executives internally can be more cost-effective and more successful in the long term than appointing them from outside.

If you are looking for support and advice from a team of professional accountants and business advisers, contact Gibbons Mannington & Phipps.

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Gibbons Mannington & Phipps LLP, 82 High Street, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6JG

GMP Audit Limited, 20 Eversley Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN40 1HE

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